Friday, December 29, 2006

I have officially entered a new realm of blog/nerd-dom

Here I am sitting in the Vegas airport. Cha-ching. Cha ching ching. Those pesky slot machines are full and at full volume. I'm trying desperately to stay awake (it feels like almost two in the morning at this point).

I apologize for being remiss in my blogging of late. While staying with my parents I ran into some internet connectivity issues. Let's just say that next year they are getting a router for christmas. Or wireless internet. Something along those lines.

Did you know that worlds collide at the Vegas airport? I'm sitting here, minding my own business with a 2.5 hour layover, when an old (despised would sound good here, but would be a bit strong...apathetically disliked is a more accurate description) coworker sits down right in front of me.

I'm hoping maybe she's obliterated, but I think I already know she's merely completely clueless, but she hasn't yet noticed my existence here. Whew. I'm safe for now.

Maybe I'll try to squeeze in a craft related post...or maybe I'll play web sudoku. The sky's the limit here in the vegas airport. Happy new year all!


  1. omg. who was it?

  2. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    When you're home & all settled, I think it's time you did a smudge - a full spiritual cleansing so perhaps this can't ever happen again.


  3. it was an old coworker from a different job, KB.

    Yes please. Although she didn't actually end up getting on my plane. Whew. New Year '07 disaster averted...just barely!
