Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Knitting Curse?

If you're familiar with knitting, then you are probably familiar with [insert drum roll here] the knitting curse.

The gist of this curse is that the second you knit something for your significant other, things go horribly awry and you end up spontaneously combusting...or at least the relationship does...

Now, this probably doesn't apply to married couples, but in theory it applies to both singles and live ins alike.

I have finally decided to tempt the fates by knitting what I am affectionately terming "the man scarf".

Detail of the stitch pattern (surprisingly simple pattern from LYS Marin Fiber Arts.)

It is being worked up in a deliciously yummy Blue Sky Alpaca thin and delicate...

I only hope it's something a man can appreciate...


  1. I think that the curse only applies if you are knitting a *sweater* for the significant other. You may be safe with a scarf. That being said, I have not tempted the knitting deities, so perhaps I have no idea what I'm talking about.

  2. I hope you are right about the curse only applying to sweaters! Anyone else? Any first or second-hand experience with the dreaded curse?

  3. I can't speak to a knitting curse, but I do know about the reading-the-significant-other's journal curse, and the letting-yourself-into-your-significant-other's- apartment-without-permission curse. Both incidents witnessed first-hand and ultimately did undermine an otherwise totally respectful, trusting union.

    The best was catching him red-handed with the journal and his flustered floundering for a justification, then getting mad at me for what he'd read. That still gives me a hearty chuckle.

    Good luck with the scarf!
