Ms Crafty: where craftiness rules supreme...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer in the City


After almost a week straight of hot weather it seemed like we were actually going to have "summer" in San Francisco. Alas, today when we walked to our local library I required a wool scarf and winter coat. Brrr. Now that's the SF summer I know.

In other news:
• I did find one more flea on Mabel but I haven't yet forcibly bathed her
• I'm working on multiple knitting projects - I keep casting on new WIPs
• I'm working on some swatches for Marin Fiber Arts
• I'm studying Spanish - not crafty but a fact nonetheless - and have decided that seeking out Spanish yarn sites equates to studying. Well, doesn't it? I have to translate them...


At 2:41 AM, Blogger KB said...

Spanish yarn??!!! Que curioso! Si necesitas ayuda, puedo ayudarte!!!

Please share your interesting find!

At 10:10 AM, Blogger ms. crafty said...

The yarn itself wasn't Spanish (I was hoping it was too), but the shop is in Spain.

I found it via Ravelry.

If I find any Spanish yarn I'll let you know! There has to be something out there...they love their shawls...

At 3:18 AM, Blogger anita said...

Hi I am Ana from spanish yarn you can find katia or lanas stop, I try to sell yarn it is not easy to find in spain, anyway whatever you need just let me know


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