Ms Crafty: where craftiness rules supreme...

Monday, September 26, 2005

The long, long weekend...

Hello imaginary internet friends. It's been a long while since I have been able to sit back and take even a moment to relax and mull things over.

Now that I've got the promise of promotion at work, folks are treating me as if I've already got the promotion. Fyi, if you become a manager and have no one to manager, it just means that your workload and meetings quintuple. Seriously.

Also, the London thing is happening. My parents and I are taking a one week trip to London in two weeks. It's really soon. I've been super stressed out about finding accomodations, but last night around 10 pm pst I FINALLY found a reasonably priced (for london, anyway) hotel for the three of us.

Saturday I went to a friend's wedding in Napa. Normally, that wouldn't be a stressful event, but with this past weekend apparently being the only weekend in which EVERY FESTIVAL known to mankind and San Francisco took place, let's just say that it took just over an HOUR to get to the golden gate bridge. Sigh. We thought about turning around and going back home and sending a really fabulous gift.

But we toughed it out and made it early enough to have a drink before the ceremony--which was a huge bonus.

We had a great time sitting at the bad kids' table making jokes and taking goofy pics. It was actually one of the more fun weddings I've been to in a while.

gratuitous wedding flower shot

Saturday morning KB and I helped a friend who is opening a yarn store paint his space. Sigh. Manual labor sucks. I think it took about an hour before my hands erupted into blisters which promptly broke open. Of course, my steely resolve, and my desire to get home before 2pm, helped me paint right on through the pain.

I'm so ready for a break. If I'm lucky hopefully I'll get at least an hour or so to knit tonight...

Any London yarn recommendations much appreciated, yarnies. Frommer's 2005 mentioned something about designer knitting kits being a good deal in London, but failed to mention where to actually go about purchasing said kits...



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