Self-imposed Ban on Sugar Meets Swift Demise
This week I and a group of co-workers decided to give up sugar for a week. A whole week. Yes, we chose a 4-day work week, but it's best to start with manageable goals.
On Tuesday I was a bit grumpy and I swear I had sugar withdrawal headaches. By Wednesday afternoon the cravings and sugar shakes had stopped completely. This wasn't going to be so bad after all. Then came the fateful Thursday lunch meeting...with cookies...from Specialty's.
Now, if you live in the Bay Area, you know Specialty's cookies. They are simply the biggest and best cookies in the known universe. And, they are probably laced with crack. They're that good. You can smell those cookies baking from blocks away...even downtown where it can be rather stinky...
I managed to get through 75% of said meeting before the smell of warm, delicious, fresh-baked cookiness completely overwhelmed me and I gave in...resistance is futile...and it was so worth it.
Of course, the post-sugar coma yesterday afternoon wasn't ideal, but I suffered through it ready to give up sugar once again. But once you've had a taste of the white devil, you just can't go back...
I ended up have a couple 'o glasses of wine last night in lieu of some chocolate (Yes, I know that alcohol is sugar, but I just don't think wine counts. Period. Even if I hadn't had the cookie, wine was never out of the picture.)
Then, this morning all hell broke loose when someone opened the last package of Hob Nobs. Now, since these fine cookies hail from overseas, they aren't easy to get stateside. And, since the package we had is rather small (15 cookies). It was really a get 'em before they are gone kind of thing...I couldn't resist...
You've bested me this time, sugar. I'll get you next time...