pink cabled hat, deconstructed
ok, here's what I did. I knit the hat on straight needles (not in the round)--i'm trying to work on my seaming skills...
I used the following pattern:
*k2, p2, k4, p2*, repeat to last two stitches, k2
*p2, k2, p4, k2", repeat to last two stitches, p2
continue in rib until 3", end WS row
then continue in cable pattern:
*k2, p2, C4F (put two stitches on holder and hold in front of work. k2 stitches from reg. needle, then 2 from cable needle), p2, k2, p2, C4B (put two stitches on holder and hold behind work. k2 stitches from regular needle, than 2 from cable needle), p2* repeat until last 2 sts, k2
continue in rib pattern, cabling every 6 rows.
knit until piece measures 9" from beginning and begin decreases. (more decrease info to follow)