Don't mess with my cats
Elwood and Mabel soak up the rays in veritable harmony. Ignoring one another seems to be working for them. I mean, cause if you don't see it, it isn't there...right?
Keeping that in mind, I guess I'm going to have to start wearing blinders when I enter and exit the house. Why? Because my neighbors are a bit on the nutty side.
One neighbor has two cats who are completely vicious. Before Elwood even came into the picture, these cats were constantly trying to attack Mabel through the glass...making a huge racket. Once, one of them got into our house (long story) and Mabel was completely traumatized, although she did manage to draw blood when provoked--way to go, kitty!
Now that Elwood has entered the picture, he has taken to going outside. He loves it. He likes to just chill on our itsy bitsy "deck" or sleep in the dirt behind some flowering bush. But, in the past week the neighbors cats have been getting insanely aggressive with him--and it's pissing me off.
I mean, the neighbors cats are monsters. They even growl and hiss at me when I come outside. They end up chasing Elwood out of the yard--the cats and the neighbors as well. I think one of the crazies sprayed him with the hose.
Cut to this afternoon. I heard a ruckus in the backyard and went tearing downstairs. One of the terror cats had poor Elwood cornered and was hissing and spitting up a storm. I stepped out to call him and try to get between crazycat and himself (so he could come inside). Instead crazy neighbor #2 (not the owner of the terrorcats, but a really old lady who lives in the basement next door) stepped out...which startled both cats and sent them both flying over the fence.
Then she says "It's the mosquitoes." Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say? "The mosquitoes. They get under their skin and make them crazy. That's why I spray them with bug repellent."
Lady, that bug repellent is going to disappear from the yard faster than you can spit out another bouquet of crazy. And, if I catch either one of you loonies near my cats I'm going to turn the hose on you. Seriously. Don't mess with my kittybabies.